Identity Document Requirements

Once you have created your online account, you will need to upload two forms of government-issued and notarized identification documents.

Your primary ID must include your name, photo, date of birth, and signature.
Your secondary ID can be any ID from the list below. 

  • ​​​Driver’s licence or learner’s licence
  • British Columbia identification card (BCID)
  • Government-issued identification card
  • Nationality card or National identification card
  • BC Services Card (must have photo)
  • Passport
  • NEXUS or Global Entry Card
  • Canadian birth certificate
  • International government-issued birth certificate
  • Canadian citizenship card/certificate
  • Permanent resident card
  • Canadian Record of Landing/Canadian immigration identification record
  • Marriage certificate
  • Change of name certificate
  • Naturalization certificate
  • Canadian firearms license
  • United States government-issued employment card
  • Government-issued citizenship certificate
  • Official Canadian refugee documents

Personal Health Number, Social Insurance number, Social Security cards, credit cards and bank cards are NOT acceptable IDs.

​​​You must have copies of your primary and secondary ID notarized in person by either a lawyer or a notary public.

​​Sample of a lawyer notarization can be found here​​​​

Sample of a notary public notarization can be found here

Submitting ID documents FAQ

What if the name on my application form doesn’t match the name on my identification documents?  

Why do I need to have my identification documents notarized?

What types of identification documents do I need to upload?

I am having trouble getting the required documents for my application. How can I move forward?

Inspire Global Assessments has received all required documents. What is the next step?

I have submitted an application to Inspire Global Assessments. Is there a deadline for uploading all the supporting documents?