
Are you a Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) seeking a license to practice in Saskatchewan?

Inspire Global Assessments provides leading-edge competency assessments to give regulators information they need to make licensing decisions.

Please note: Assessments are only available in English.

Getting Referred

To complete the Inspire Global Assessments competency assessment, you must  be referred to us by the ​Registered Psychiatric Nurse Association of Saskatchewan. Please visit the Registered Psychiatric Nurse Association website to ensure  you are fulfilling the unique eligibility criteria they require.

What happens after Inspire Global Assessments receives my referral?

​​​Once we have received a referral directly from your referring organization, you will receive an email from us to get your assessment started.

Visit the link below for more information.

Land Acknowledgement

With great respect, we acknowledge that the Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association is located on the traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Nakota, Dakota, and Lakota peoples and the homeland of the Métis nation whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.